
Prebuilt Binaries


Install it via my Homebrew tap:

brew cask install ad-si/tap/tasklite

You can also get this (and previous) versions from the releases page.

Make sure to download the artifacts with curl or wget as macOS prevents the execution of files downloaded via a browser.

Furthermore you can get the latest CI builds on GitHub's Actions page. They are pretty stable if the build is successful due to the included tests.


You can get the latest versions on GitHub's Releases page.

Furthermore you can get the latest CI builds on GitHub's Actions page. They are pretty stable if the build is successful due to the included tests.

Prebuilt Docker Image

Another easy way to get started is using the prebuilt Docker image:

docker run --rm adius/tasklite sh
tasklite help

When exiting the container all data will be discarded.

For repeated local usage run following command, but make sure to replace $TASKLITE_PATH with the path to your TaskLite installation as defined in your config.yaml file. Per default it's created in the XDG base directory: $HOME/.local/share/tasklite.

docker run \
  --rm \
  --volume "$TASKLITE_PATH":/root/.local/share/tasklite \

To make it easier to use, create an alias like:

alias tl="docker run …"

Providing your own config.yaml file to the docker container is not yet supported.

From Source

To build TaskLite from source, you need to install Stack first.

git clone
cd TaskLite
stack install tasklite-core

To test the installation run:

tasklite help